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X'inhuma l-Flanged Socket Head Cap Viti?


X'inhuma l-Flanged Socket Head Cap Viti?

Flanġ huwa tipikament rimm ċatt żgħir li jisporġi, kullar jew kustilja fuq kamin għat-tisħiħ jew it-twaħħil. Il-viti tal-flanġ huma estremament siguri meta jintużaw f'applikazzjonijiet speċifiċi.

Dawn il-viti jqassmu l-pressjoni fejn il-kamin jiltaqa 'mal-wiċċ mingħajr ma jieħu l-ispazju meħtieġ għal washer. Dan jelimina l-ħtieġa ta 'washer separata, li tiffranka spazju u flus.

Kap flanġjat

Kap flanġ jista 'jkun kwalunkwe stil ta' ras (ħlief l-istili countersunk) biż-żieda ta 'flanġ integrat fil-bażi tar-ras. Dan jelimina l-ħtieġa ta 'washer ċatt.

Viti tal-għatu tar-ras tas-sokit tal-flanġ from Zhenkun can be used on moderately heavy loads. While it is not suitable for heavy-duty applications, neither is it suitable for fastening extremely soft or thin materials. It comes with an inbuilt washer to create a flange which can keep the screw head from crushing the underlying material. It has a cylindrical head and hexagonal drive style which ensures accurate drilling. Moreover, like any other socket fastener, it gives the surface a nice and rugged look by protruding above the installation surface.

you can purchase our flanged socket head cap screws in stainless steel, carbon steel, and alloy steel to bear more wear and tear while also making it more corrosion resistant. They are also fully threaded and come with moderate tensile strength. Like we mentioned earlier, this tensile strength is mostly suitable for moderate loads. The head height of these screws is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the flange. The length of the screw is measured from under the flange.

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